Hispanophobia, Xenophobia, The Black Legend, and Racism have all contributed to the many reasons Hispanics (Either legal or illegal) have been portray negatively in this society. Many American Citizens have not done research on the way Immigration affects our society, but we as good consumers of Media (television, radio, newspapers) have fallen short because we believe anything and everything the American Media portrays in the news, talk shows, and other mediums of popular communications. I dare anyone here to conduct un bias research on this matter, with out falling trap to racism,ethnocentrismm, xenophobia, and un-scholarly material. Anyone that can provided links to charts and statistics to argue their positions are encourage to respond anyone else that lacks professionalism please don’t respond.
In my view due to my research, Illegal immigration positive impact on American society out weights the negative impacts. We also need to understand human behavior around the globe.
Please read the following:
First of all immigration is not only a American phenomenon, but a world phenomenon. Is happening in all the world and to almost any country that can offer a better chance of living and resources. Have you ever heard of Survival of the Fittest, well, that’s exactly what’s going on in the world today. It is natural for a person or individuals to search for the resources their nations lack. Mexicans migrate because they have same necessities as any other human been, but even Mexico has an immigration and migration problem. Rural people in Mexico also have migrated to more developed areas in Mexico, like Mexico City, Monterrey, Cancun, Acapulco, and near the US border. Other Mexicans compliant that migrants workers from rural areas take city people jobs.
In Europe, countries with growing immigration population are England, Spain, France, Italy and other Western Europeans. The majority of immigrants are from Eastern European nations and they are view as bringing down the standards of the west, hey, and they are white and European too! But also Europe gets a lot immigrants from Saharan Africa, Middle, East, and Asia. Other immigrants included people from within the European Union who immigrate freely between nations in the EU.
In Asian nations, Immigration is also a major issue. In Japan there many Hindus, Arabs and Southeast Asians and even Brazilians. China has also brought in many immigrants from all over the world.
In Latin America, Dominicans migrated to Puerto Rico and the US. People are immigrating from less developed Latin American nations to more develop one where there an opportunity for money and food.
Immigration and migration is as old as Human creation. People have always been migrating in search of resources. From Ancient times, to the Age of Discovery to Now. Societies, Ethic groups, bands, tribes have old either conquered others or live together and share resources.
Human Immigration as a basic law of nature. “If you lack resources for survival, immigrate and search for those resources that you lack” This is part of the Natural Laws of Humanity. Either eat or perish.
People say, “They have broken the Law, so they are law breakers and shouldn’t even be here.”
So what is greater, the law writen by man’s hands or the Natural Law which is part of all humanity?
Thomas Hobbes, a great English Political Philosopher,
said this; “The things that make a good judge or good interpreter of the laws are, first, a right understanding of that principal law of nature called equity (Justice) ; which, depending not on the reading of other men’s writings, but on the goodness of a man’s own natural reason and meditation,” (The Leviathan CHAPTER XXVI
Immigrants legal or illegal has the right to be examine as an individual, not base on the fact that he or she broke a law, that prohibit a human the necessities for human survival and dignity to live as other Humans who have what they don’t got.
Justice should be done base on character and desire for a Human to be here, that he or she when as far to brake one law to be where we are and live or try to live like the more fortunate ones.
We Say: “Let’s stop world hunger and help the poor”
But when poor folk comes to your nation and your home, you rather give him or her a snake or shoot the poor ******* in the head”
We are a bunch of hippocrates!
Please use resoaning when responding.
They take American jobs, yeas, that’s true, because Americans don’t go out and search for jobs and fill applications. It’s Survival of the Fittest, get up, and hustle and stop applying for jobs on-line and go out like immigrants do to search for any job. We Americans are just too picky when it comes to jobs and even we are poor we want more than the other person.
Everyone has done an illegal invasion of lands. Europeans killed as many Indians to take their lands. The Indian Removal Act, The Battle of Little Big Horn, and the other many battles against indegenous populations who didn’t want White men in their lands. African-Americans have forgoten also of the Fugitive Slave Act, that treated them as illegal immigrants in the North. They were captured and deported back to the South, were the Slave master was ready with whip in hand.
Mexicans and other immigrants come here illegaly because there’s no other way to come here. The Legal system takes longer.
Laws are laws made by the people in power. Remember many years ago it was legal to own slaves. In Germany it was legal to kill the Jews and anyone else that was undesire in that society.
Laws don’t make anything great! People compassion, reasoaning, democracy, and real justice makes a nation great.
Anyone that takes this for Racist, is not in their right mind. Read what I have say and study it. Take a Historical, Anthropological, and resonable view on the subject.
Asked by:His-Panic!

Finally someone I agree with!
I myself couldn’t have said it any better!
Guys he never stated he was Mexican! Plus being Mexican is a nationality not a race so how can you play the race card?
I dislike ****** Hispanics, and illegal aliens alike. Hope that helps.
Mexicans the come legally and do not support crime are accepted.
Racist Mexicans that think they are above laws, lie and make excuses why they support illegal invasion, use fake versions of history to defend invades, and play the race card when people get upset at the crimes the commit will never be respected.
We are not all illegal immigrants, my family is certainly not, I learned that in 2nd grade history class.
I personally agree with what you have thoroughly exposed. Unfortunately, our diverse population has always have trouble respecting others rights. They belittle the immigrant regardless of their legal status, specially if they look hispanic and in less proportion african american or asian. They have always taken advantage of the minorities by aiming at closing every door they have to succeed in life. It appears to be like Hitler’s legacy is still impacting their culture. They openly approve of any condition which will put the immigrant under them even though many of those immigrants are ready to compete side by side.
Their means of communication are censoring others who disagree with them. Distorting lots of things such as food stamp recipients being illegal immigrants. They make up stories about “loopholes” and I dare them to report those illegal immigrants supposedly receiving “welfare”
How come they just keep attacking them but plan on keeping them on a temporary basis in order to perform those jobs they refuse to perform?
Read mine and give me some information if you are familiar with the subject.
* I have to add that considering all those thumbs down and the silence to my question, I feel they are just speechless and have no way to contradict my opinion *
What a bunch of hogwash!
The World no longer needs immigration to fulfill it’s needs for labor and growth. There are enough natives to see to that.
Immigration is causing a hugh rise in population. Without enough people working and paying into the system to support it, it will fail.
Why should more developed countries have to take on the responsibility of another countries impoverished citizens because they won’t get an adequate education and practice birth control. The government they leave is depending on another country taking these in so they are not forced to provide for them. They have nothing to contribute and are dependent on gov programs when they arrive here. The lifestyle they leave is really no different than what they live here.
“It was legal to own slaves and in Germany it was legal to kill jews and other undesirables.”
There was a WAR between North & South to end slavery.
And WWll to end Germany’s extinction of the Jews and others. It seems to me the majority did not agree with Slavery & Extinction and fought to end it. The same kind of fight that is going on now to end illegal immigration.
We are all humans…..Get a grip. The US in not big enough to hold the worlds population. That’s why people need to work, get educated and control their population so that they can become a great, desirable nation to live in.
You couldnt have said it any better. Its true… People do not understand that we are all human here… people will always migrate. Just because of egotistical assholes who think they can own this country like a piece of property(which it is when u think of it like that…) without even considering everyone as human beings. We are all human. we are all brothers. And this is why it is so hard to achieve world peace… because of people seeing someone as mexican or pakistani, NOT as human brother and sister…
Get over yourselves. Get over being a patriot of your country. Think of others. Not just yourself. For the good of mankind. Look at how many people are starving and dying every day. Lets help each other instead of trying to kill eachother.
life is not fair, I dislike anyone that plays the race card, claims discrimination and doesn’t know real history. And I sure as hope nobody is going to call the majority of Americans illegal, that would be foolish and wrong.
What I like about the U.S.A. is your free to believe whatever bull you want.
People that play the victim and cry about discrimination, xenophobia or racism are destine to failures. Because well over 80% of the time, claims of racism and discrimination are a cover up for lawlessness or people not getting what they want.
Laws are what make my country great, want to break those laws and immigrate the lazy illegal way, you earn no respect from me.