Last night, I heard few wise people talking on the wireless radio, one of them said: ‘there are only two things in the western world today to generate power and influence: one is business, and the other, politics. He did not mention any third, so I tried to think of one myself. I asked, what else is known to be the source of power and influence in the world, as for all times. And I thought of knowledge. This is in the common knowledge and understanding that knowledge is power. This is what we are supposed to believe conventionally, as form the days of our school.
I therefore ask you for today:
Is knowledge dead?
Is knowledge powerless in the world?
I personally may not believe knowledge is dead, or is powerless, but I think I agreed with the argument of the radio speaker in general, in the sense that in this age of information and technology knowledge has become like something we are more likely find in the backwaters of modern cultural scene, somewhat a little obsolete, and if not obsolete altogether then merely a scholarly pursuit as in the minds of the ones in search of the truths.
I think all usefulness has been squeezed out of the current body of knowledge long since. I think the body of knowledge as it stands today has yielded all its potential to change things to make thing better and finer in life, its practical ideas, and ideologies, either to underpin or to run the government systems and business enterprises of today for instance – this happened during the period of last one hundred years or so.
This is true that much useful work is still going on, but that is all within the same old framework of research and inquiry. This is happening within the safe havens of grand cultures of civilisations, and not in the small pockets, not in the lives of the people who find themselves to be at the margins of cultural, religious, or ethnic divides, where the need for the ability to translate ideas into practice remains paramount.
I find there is seldom any entirely new in the world. What we find in books, and in the minds of the devoted and the enthusiasts, might be good just for the interest and understanding of the people needing to know as to how things work in the world, for instance.
Please note: This is to notify that all that I have said above – apart from the initial thought, i.e. business and politics are the two main sources of power in the west – is based entirely upon my personal opinion that I am responsible of in person. Thanks!
And thanks for you valuable response so far!
Please note: This is to notify that all that I have said above – apart from the initial thought, i.e. business and politics are the two main sources of power in the west – is based entirely upon my personal opinion that I am responsible of in person. Thanks!
And thanks for you valuable response so far!
Please note: This is to notify that all that I have said above – apart from the initial thought, i.e. business and politics are the two main sources of power in the west – is based entirely upon my personal opinion that I am responsible of in person. Thanks!
And thanks for you valuable response so far!
My apologies for the repetition above, a slow click button response on the computer interface!
Asked by:Simply United

Yes, coz alot of ppl use Yahoo Answers to ask about their homework…
Knowledge? As in what is true?
The past administration used lies to get the US involved in a land war in Asia for oil. When the lies were exposed, the administration shrugged and said, that the lies COULD have been true, and kept repeating them. In the last election, a scant year away, over 50% of US voters said that a) we were in Iraq because Iraq attacked on on 9/11, and that b) George W. Bush told them so.
What is knowledge? That which is true?
Knowledge is the core power to everything… politics and business might be the heart and brain in a particular body(world)… but its knowledge that gives them life and allows them to function…
Thus its something beyond business and politics… a category of its own…
Some say a word is dead… once its said… but I believe its born at that moment… and so is knowledge… eternal, born from its ashes… and a power with no source… the thing that keeps the heart beating… that small surge of electricity that’s more powerful than it seems… that’s knowledge…
With knowledge comes creativity… innovation… and the rest… the core is a power of its own… and what’s in the books, or in our mind are gradually channelled into our daily acts… thus that’s how knowledge is used… spitting out facts is more of a crude way of applying knowledge… without knowledge… there’s nothing… nor will there be anything…
Hope I answered your question…
Knowledge is far from dead and it is very much a source of power. Secrets are very powerful things. It is by keeping their real knowledge secret and thereby keeping the people in ignorance of the real nature of the reality in which we exist that the people who wield the worldly power maintain their corrupt hold on it. Read Little Book Big Secret at to find out how I know this for certain and by doing so you will help to change the status quo.
Knwoledge is still boss. For instance US military foreign agenda, action, purpose and enormous budget are well hidden. The propaganda war machine twists things that can no longer be hidden, and we as a people have become warped in the sense of right and wrong. The Nobel Peace prize has apparently become meaningless.
Unfortunately, these people were quite right. Business means money and politics means military force behind it. Nowadays knowledge can be bought easily. Get used to that
The way that society is currently structured fear is what generates the power. It is used by business and by political types to trump knowledge.
This is irrational of course but they still get away with it because the mechanism that controls our rational behavior when we are frightened is so powerful.
This mechanism is simply so powerful that knowledge has a hard time overcoming it.
Love and blessings Don