My brother let me borrow his set of CDs a few years ago that had all these old-time radio shows that were detective mysteries. They were sponsored by the Anchor Hocking Glass Company, I remember that much. But I can’t remember if they were all just episodes from one show, of if they were random “best of” episodes from lots of different shows. If I remember correctly, there were several, several CDS (like a box set), and they were yellow. lol!
I really can’t remember them that well. But I CAN remember being immensely entertained, and I really wanted to find them again. If you know anything about old-time radio shows, I’m sure you would be of some help.
Perhaps this is it??
Asked by:Panic Procul Pervideo

I really don’t know anything about the show you asked about im am afraid.
However, there is a rather ineresting new age radio twilight zone series that I sometimes listen to over the internet. You may get a kick out of it.
=&contentGUID={512F8B89-7265-4DD0-B948-8399ED51DFB6}&groupName=KIXI Home Left&siteGUID={05550676-6FBB-41EB-8580-E3AF2FEC6D60}
Radio dramas suck
You might be able to find the shows you like podcasted
You might find New shows inspired by them like Black Jack Justice of Decoder Ring Theatre
You could check your library website to see if they still have the one you borrowed
I love the old shows on Radio. One of my favs is Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar. Bob Bailey 1955 to the end in the early 60s was the best. The atmosphere of crime and investigation is captured perfectly. Dames, Guns, crooks and love. It was the last of the Great CBS old time radio shows. IN FACT – THE last one transmitted. It was on TV for a season but TV had moved on to other formats. The downloads on this page can be heard with Real player or Real Alternative *get from if needed. I love when that phone rings in his office and he answers Johnny dollar and the music starts. The top link has all types of old shows. The bottom are all of Yours truly Johnny dollars. Bob Bailey shows start when the 5 part shows begin in 1954? The older ones are different actors. Have fun! :0)
I can go way back to the Inner Sanctum, Behind the Creaking Door series. As a child, we use to listen to this particular series and get scared half to death. It was a real treat to listen to these mysteries, get all caught up in the moment and then go to bed to have nightmares. I don’t know who did the series, but I loved them!!
Anchor Hocking sponsored “Casey, Crime Photographer” for some time – that may be the show you are remembering. There are lots of websites that stream classic radio programs (and even more that sell them), but the best selection online is very likely here:
Others of various quality, quantity, and variety:
(Real Audio format only)
And sites that stream continuously:
+ quite a few Live365 channels (