I use Star Downloader to download Old Time Radio episodes from the Internet. My problem with this is that if I click on a lot of these files, Star Downloader will only work on a maximum of three files at a time. It will not start downloading the fourth, fifth, etc file until the downloading of the first file has been completed.
I believe it is possible to alter my PC’s settings so that I can download more than three files at a time. Could someone please tell me how to do it?
Asked by:sam

get a better download manager
Try Orbit Downloader & Download accelerator plus, it’s all free, google it.
You can use firefox and install download all utility..that would help you to download all the links at the same time. The download time will depend upon your system and network capabilities.
Yes there is a way.
The default is to have 4 http connections at a time, but you can increase this.
I don’t remember how to do this.