Ok so im a girl, in year 10, and my school gives absolutley NO help with this stuff, its just heres a sheet, go find a place. Im fairly sporty, tennis being the main one but i dont think i want to do that as im doing it all the time already. i wanted to do radio but all the places are full. i took history, drama, gcse pe and french, but i dont really want to do anything in particular with those things ESPECIALLY NOT FRENCH. im a real people person, and i think i want something to do with people, young, old, whatever. but what? sorry, i know its kinda complicated but any help will be muchly appreciated.
Asked by:Georgia Murray

Just ring up everything lol, schools? nurserys? sports centers? cafes? shops? care home? company?
I did my work experience in a funeral parlour and got to take a souveneir at the end. It was awesome, I now have started a collection, but the funeral place said not to come back for more work
Schools are often happy to have work experience students, maybe your old primary school would be a good place to start asking or other local schools.
I did my work experience at the citizens advice bureau which involved working with people and doing admin. They are usually happy to accept work experience placements also.