Me, I can think of two things – firstly, because of fear of religion, Charles Darwin sat on his theory of natural selection for 20 years, during which time he constantly refined it, so that by the time it ws published it was pretty solid. Secondly, I’m currently listening to the latest series of Old Harry’s Game, a fantastic radio comedy that couldn’t exist without religion.
Any other suggestions, my delights?
LEMUR: I’d completely forgotten about the lion fighting! Silly me! That’s three things!
Nimit: I completely agree!
Pln: FOUR things!
Asked by:Scumspawn

yes, it used to send obnoxious people like you to die in bonfires
Religion has been really useful, the same way easter bunny and Santa Claus and the tooth fairy were useful for us when we were kids…. but we need to stop and grow up!!!
Many people gain a sense of hope and purpose from their religions. Many take the words of Jesus to mean that they should help the less fortunate.
I find value in many religions. I do not find any value in the **** or bigotry that some mask in the cloak of religion.
Edit- “Because any sane, rational, logical person knows that a godless, amoral, irreligious world where man was free to pursue his own selfish will, fleshly desires and wicked schemes would have been SO much better!”
Finally Paulo, you have seen the light. What? Oh it’s sarcasm, nevermind.
What benefits have athiest groups ever done for the good of the world? I don’t see any of them raising donations like Christians do or doing any service for people.
i’m not sure if i’m atheist….
i believe in science, not god.
atheists believe in no religion what so ever.
You said “Fellow atheists, do you think religion has ever done anything remotely useful?”
Answer “No; religion has not, but the Truth of God’s Word has.
There was lion fighting.
No, basically religion has been a complete failure.
Because any sane, rational, logical person knows that a godless, amoral, irreligious world where man was free to pursue his own selfish will, fleshly desires and wicked schemes would have been SO much better!
The fear of punishment did bring some morallity into some people’s life, however that doesn’t happen anymore. It seems that so many religious people think they are moral just cause they say so.
Religions and the concept of supernatural thing brought us ghosts movies, oh how I love those!
It brought me some very interesting talks with my friends, and it made me realise just how far human stupidity can go (and I must add I learned that here, in my country people are not like this)
im not exactly atheist but im not catholic either but i think it has kept some people sane because without a reason to live i think the world would go crazy i dont need one because i just believe u should be good to be a good person not because ur going to a heaven or hell but also ive seen some atheists who dis to many other religions i wanna ask you guys 2 stop that cuz it does hurt ppl n it is the right thing to do im not saying u cant make fun of them jus don say stuff like “god is a figment of your imagination”
Tax shelter.
religion no-belief in a higher being-i have to say yes-some people beliefs is reflected in their lives and they live it accordingly–i have to think many people are better for their beliefs–could be wrong as they might be really cool people just the same—smile and enjoy the night