Any serious (even not so serious) study will place Abraham Lincoln as one of the top two American Presidents. No President did as much to preserve the. …
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Abraham Lincoln in Old Time Radio | Old Radio

Old Radio Episodes
Any serious (even not so serious) study will place Abraham Lincoln as one of the top two American Presidents. No President did as much to preserve the. …
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Abraham Lincoln in Old Time Radio | Old Radio
I love listening to them, though, and other old-time radio dramas, because they are about the imagination. You see the story in your mind. Granted, when the story is based on a movie I know well, I'm seeing the movie in my … …
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Radio Drama | Samuel Ben White
One of the things I've always curious about is how a radio programs's music is scored. Music, just like dialogue, is such an important part of a radio program. It sets mood, directs flow, and can even be part of the plot such as … …
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How is a Radio Program Scored? | Old Time Radio
Random Thoughts about pre-digital Pop Culture, covering subjects such as pulp fiction, B-movies, comic strips, comic books and old-time radio. NEW CONTENT …. Frontier Gentleman: A Review and Episode Guide ebo. …
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Comics, old time radio and other cool stuff: I see your secret …