Hey, I’m currently a junior in high school and I’m wondering if i have what it takes to get into Emerson College in Boston? which has always been my dream school. Well my high school GPA right now is about a 3.47 and i take pretty all really hard classes. 1 AP right now, and I’m taking 2 next year when I’m a senior. For my ressumme I was part of my school’s musical my freshman and sophmore years. I also have been working/volunteering at my town’s TV station for a pretty long time now. I’m videographer with sporting events/local rock concerts (where i also control audio), I edit events for the station, I’m a production assisant with some of thier productions, and I’m also a news correspondant for my town’s weekly news. I also have been working at an arts camp (where i also attended as a little kid), at the camp I assissant in teaching 9-12 year olds the basics of film and TV pro and then we make short films of thier choice. I also edit all their videos for the camp. The guy who runs the camp is a Yale theater graduate student (he’s friends with Paul Giamatti and Ed Norton, haha good connections hopefully lol.) He like loves me (or atleast people tell me he does…) and I work with him with all the video classes. I also teach on Stop-motion animation and “Radio” class there. I also attended a summer camp for 2 summers (8th grade/9th grade summers) which is like considered a pretty prestigious camp where i took a TV pro class, a reading class, Improv class, and a current events class. I also just co-founded my high school’s TV Club a few months ago. I’m the co-officer of the club and I pretty much control the whole club (don’t wanna sound cocky but I am the most motivated with doing everything in the club.) In the club, I’m the producer of the club’s cable TV show, and also head writer/monologue writer, and co-editor. I’m also producing my own local cable TV comedy talk show this coming summer (I’m a HUGE Conan fan so i’m pretty pumped for it.) I’ve also been hired to make 2 corporate videos before for online newsletters. One was for the NHL Winter Classic in Boston and i just did one for the Boston Marathon. I’ve also been a team leader, director, producer, writer, and editor for 2 films before in the 48 Hour Film Project. (one in Providence, and one in Boston.) I’m doing another Providence one this summer. My other hobbies consist of making short films, photography, play bass in band (mostly just for fun), and writing (i do write mostly comedic stuff, like SNL skits and monologue jokes, this is probably my favorite hobby.)
I also have a few other small things to add to my resume by they’re pretty mini.
…But despite even if my ressume may be pretty decent, there is still one problem, i completely BOMBED my SATs, like horribly, i got a 1470 (combined all 3 sections). I know pretty bad. But the odd thing about my scores is that they made no sense what so ever to who I am as a person. I scored highest on math even thou math has ALWAYS been my weakest subject, and i score lowest on the writing section, (which makes no sense at all because i love writing and I’ve always been considered a pretty good by the people i know. i scored high on the writing essay part but then reallllyyyy low on the writing multiple choice.) But idk, i may just not be a good test taker, But do you people still think i may have a chance with getting into Emerson College?
P.S. sorry for all the spelling and grammer mistakes, it’s late right now
Asked by:Nicholas