Annie, directed by Ms Megan dollar, is a wonderful play about eleven year old little orphan girl in the New York during depression era. In this play characteristics were obsessed with vicious, integrity, simplicity and deception. It was a nice movie about a little girl who was trying to find her parents and on her way she found something even better than that. But she had to fight against evil before happy ending.
Acting based on a character dialogue, action and gestures s/he through the play. As for high school kids they did outstanding job with dialogue, action and expression. Mostly expression is a big deal when its comes to acting Ashley bossard was the perfect choice for the shaky Miss hannigan. she offered a complementary combination of drunken woman and lonely unmarried woman who beyond the usual age of marriage and had nothing else in life to do but drink and listen to radio while taking care of little girls.
Alex madjar and Rachel Marino played the role of rooster and lily did great job in their smaller villain roles. They created fun with evilness into the scene when the play was getting to sentimental. There were few mistakes by minor characteristics like Sarah claridge was playing the role of boylan sisters in the play was showing over gestures at the end of the play. During play everybody was wearing mic but I realized that lawyer was not wearing microphone or maybe his microphone was not fixed this is why I did not understand what he said. Roosevelt role played by joe teichman was the most effective role because of him Oliver figured out that Mr. and Mrs. mudge are not Annie real parents.
Lighting has major role in drama. It is not only illuminates in drama but also create a good mood and atmosphere of audience. Creative work of lighting has always positive effect on the performance of an artist and also it creates a mood for audience to get interested in play. Lighting designer did creative job in lighting by focus, mood, location and time of the day. But there was some lacks in focus including few scenes where he did not put the light at Annie and hannigan while they were singing. Location of the light was perfect but there was one mistake when Annie went to movie with war bucks they showed red light as sunset. During their conversation I realized that they were going to movie at night but they showed the red color instead of blue color. They used blue light for night during the first scene of play.
The setting of drama was very creative. Before starting I thought if setting is based on Greek theater then probably I will fall asleep. But it was different play than all the plays I have seen in my life. They did not use the orchestra where they do not show the act instead the messenger tells what’s happen off stage. The one thing I did not like about the setting of band. The band was between the stage and audience. Sitting in the middle of the middle of performing center I imagined how annoying it was for the peoples who were sitting in front rows. Band voice was really loud and also it was distracting peoples concentration on the plays. Setting always important to set the play in a particular historical period. But I realized some thing different about Oliver offices. The hall of the Oliver office was obviously showing that how wealthy he is but when I saw the setting of his office, it amazed me. His office was not looking like a billionaire office billionaire office. His office was looking like a typical office manager instead of a billionaire office.
This was the first musical play I have ever watched and in my opinion It was the movie that can change everybody attitude towards orphans and homeless children. The most annoying thing I found in the play was the song “A Hard Knock Life”. It was very annoying dancing with the bucket. On the other hand the most excited scenes in the play were when some boys bothered Annie and her companion sandy then Annie messed up with them by saying,” all right, who is next”? There were few errors in the play but overall it was wonderful musical drama with great acting and dancing.
murray im telling u to correct my grammer not tellin u to write a essay
geez how stupid peoples are
Asked by:curious