This is no joke.
I’ll keep this as short as possible and in installments if the machine won‘t take it all at once.
I’m not an atheist but I’m certainly not over zealous in my worship of the Christian God, and this isn’t about religion anyway.
I own and operate a sound reinforcement company I started in 1996, doing everything from rodeos to motor sports events, seminars, concerts, etc. Between 1998 and 2005 five I covered the 4th of July celebration at Ellis Lake in Marysville, California. A big man-made lake in downtown with an island in the middle connected via a footbridge to the western shore.
There are boat races for two days and the shindig culminated on the 4th with a massive fireworks display, synced up through the sound system that covered all the area with a live radio feed, in addition to the live sound stage.
The morning of the 5th found us, four in number and including a son and a very good friend who is also our electrician, loading our truck. The speaker systems are in clusters ringing the island and firing out into the huge crowds that gather around the lake for the bash. Loading out is a long, very hot process in the middle of the summer.
My son and the laborer were taking a break at the rear of the truck chugging some water, while I was doing something unimportant on the side of the truck, which is a 32 foot bobtail, when out of nowhere a woman walked up to me. She was perhaps five foot four, slim, brown hair, and I must say quite attractive in her sun dress, big floppy hat, sandals and sunglasses, which she removed when she started to speak. This isn’t verbatim, but the conversation went something like this:
“Hello, my name is Morrison.” (I thought that an unusual name for a pretty young lady).
I replied, “Hi. I’m Bob.”
“Well Bob,” now here the words are close but inexact, to the effect, “I’ve been watching you and I knew I had to meet you” or “was supposed to meet you” or something like that.
“So where are you going now?”
I told her that we were on the road at that location and that I lived over 200 miles to the north in Mt. Shasta.
Then she said, “Well, Bob. You never know. I just might make it to Mt Shasta one of these days.” The conversation ended as we both turned and walked off in separate directions, she up the lane, me back over the footbridge to the island. I bumped into my son first. I asked if he saw the lady I was talking to. His reply was, “Yeah. She was pretty hot.” And she was. But the thing that stood out most to me was her eyes.
I swear her eyes changed color each time I looked back to them. Hazel, green, brown and even a kind of reddish brown one time, sort of like canine eyes. It was unsettling, to be honest, but I wrote it off as a trick of too much time in the summer sun.
When I met up with my buddy I asked him the same question. His reply was, “Yeah, but you didn’t see what she did as you were walking away. She walked around to the driver’s door, made some kind of signs and then tapped the driver’s door lightly with a fist, three times.”
I told him of our chat and we then both chalked it up to another of the… interesting characters we’ve encountered in our working travels. Some very bizarre. And, that was the end of it. Sort of… But it was the events of the next 72 hours that amazed me, and still does, which is why I’m asking this question.
About 5 hours later, we’re on the road with the heavy truck on Hhy 99, in holiday traffic but clipping along this two lane road. I had two cars on my bumper and they had a tractor trailer on theirs, when this old lady pulls out of a driveway right in front of me. I slammed on the brakes, the cars fishtailed behind me and the semi almost jack-knifed.
OK. Stuff happens.
The next day, I’m in my little Geo Metro heading into town when, on a straight stretch of road, plenty wide and in broad daylight a guy in a pick-up truck in the opposite lane swerved right in front of me, for no reason I could see. I had to take evasive action to my right or there would have been a head-on crash.
The very next night, I was out working on the sound systems in my shop and walked to the house for something. It was pitch dark and as I passed one of my cars, I heard the distinctive buzz of a rattlesnake. I doubled back around the shop, turned the outside lights on and found that I had literally walked right over a three foot pacific rattler, with six rattles and a button.
That is when I decided I had had enough “coincidences” and got on the phone to my buddy to find out if the signs Morrison had made looked benevolent or more like a curse. He said it wasn’t threatening.
So. Did I come face to face with my guardian angel, or was I just lucky at the right times?
Asked by:Samurai Hoghead