think that I have anxiety.My mom has it,and my sister does too.I’m always worried about whats going to happen.I’m depressed and I have alot of depression.My mom and sister have to take medication for anxiety.Maybe I should be to?I always thought it was asthma,but maybe what I’m about to explain have been anxiety attacks?Possibly.?Sometimes if im doing homework and listening to the radio,or watching t.v. , or doing basically anything,I can’t breathe,and I have to put my hands over my ears and close my eyes and block out EVERYTHING,and try and breathe,up and up and up till I finally get air.Is that anxiety or asthma.?Am I just paranoid?I’ve been in a lot of pain lately to.Like my ribcage,and my stomach.I’m always dizzy.LIKE REALLY BAD;I can’t get up and walk.I never feel like moving.Ever.I don’t want to go to school.I don’t want to be at home.Theres way to much drama for me in both places.I have no friends I can trust,exceptions of one,Skylar.At school nobody likes me,tries to fight me and calls me pregnant troll.Everyone at my school is fake.I **** EVERYONE THERE.(Except a few people.) Still,school blows.Am I imagining my pain?I’m behind in my classes,that’s NOT ME.I’ve never got anything below a C on my report cards,and I have 2 E’s.Also I never missed school before middle school.I was one of them dorky kids with the Honor Roll and Attendance award thingys.I would beg my mom to let me go to school if I didn’t feel good.I think I really do have anxiety.I REALLY WANT TO BE HOMESCHOOLED, just untill the end of the year.I can’t deal with all of this anymore.I NEED a therapist.Any advice or comments?Please.
1 week ago (Tiebreaker)
Additional Details
When i was at a very young age i saw my father hit the floor from a double anurism then not see him for 7months in the hospital,now having to deal with him,and think of old times and what life could have been like.Hes disabled nw.and my mom is to.And my sister just gets high and leaves me,i think that mite be some reasons for it also..
Asked by:Eifdjkl Ieokdl