1st email: wife to ex husband
It’s me again saying hello, since you do not make an effort to keep in touch! I’m sure I saw you on Channel 4 news yesterday in connection with the Jesse Jackson tour launch or perhaps I’m mistaken.
2nd email – response from ex husband
Did not think you would be that interested in keeping in touch although I do not think I have been that wayward. It wasnt me on Channel 4 News. Cant say I have been a fan of Jackson of late although the recent stuff on taking responsibility is ok. Get a bit narked why people genuflect in Jacksons direction and are so grateful to take lectures from him the history of race politics in USA is an absolute disaster. Dont think we should be taking lessons there.
Out of work at the end of this month but £40K richer… DRC is merging with EOC and CRE into the Commission for Equalities and Human Rights. I have decided not to go in but to take early release. Very bored of work right now and need to think about what to do for the next 20 years.
You ok?
3rd email
Really nice to hear from you. Don’t know why you got the impression I did not want to keep in touch.
I understand why you want to take a break from work, but you know the money won’t last long. I assume you have holidays lined up. Have you been to Jamaica with your mum yet?
For me it is the same old story regarding work, although it has become more pressurising what with fixed fees being introduced by the LSC from the 1st of October this year. The public have no idea that the legal aid system is being totally decimated. I am doing a lot of care work (which as you may recall I used to dread) since the fees have not been slashed in the same way as matrimonial etc. I keep myself sane by going to the gym everyday and doing Open University courses. You will be surprised to note that I am taking a real interest in opera and western classical music (I wonder where that interest emanates from!). Although I did not appreciate it at the time, I missed listening to it and therefore am building up a collection!
Do keep in touch and please give me your new email address.
Take care
4th email
Can you read this?
Recognition at last for Kerala south East Asian language palindrome was a Guardian clue last week!!
We were going to JR the LSC on their reform proposals because we felt the reduction in costed hours would be disastrous for complex disability discrimination cases we know that a lot of practitioners just dont get the DDA. Unfortunately our commission bottled it.
Could be going to Jamaica in November but with my Dad his mum is dying and I will be going to witness her closing hours.
I am amazed about the classical stuff. If you are interested in getting a good collection you should listen to Building a Library every Saturday on radio 3 kick of at 9.00am. 9.30 is the slot where they review the best recording of a particular piece. They are usually on the money. You may know of Gramophone too a very good magazine that comes out monthly as is exhaustive reference to good new recordings.
I am still playing the Indian flute and practicing my ragas a legacy that you left me with…
After the I found out that she was in communication with him, she promised to stop but went on to do it behind my back. Trust is gone- I am divorcing her.
Are these 2 really over each other and should the current husband put up with it?
Asked by:roh P