Thus, it is likely twelve episodes aired in the thirteen weeks the show was on the air. According to radio historian and author Jack French, the series had many production changes during its short life. …
Posts under ‘Old Time Radio Episodes’
Weekend OTR: Casebook of Gregory Hood — South of the Border …
As always, this weekend's episode is courtesy of our friends at If you love old time radio , pay The Cat a visit. The customer service is always great and something's always on sale
X Minus One – The Sense Of Wonder (04 – PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts
However, the early 1970s brought a wave of nostalgia for old – time radio ; a new experimental episode , “The Iron Chancellor” by Robert Silverberg, was created in 1973, but it failed to revive the series.
The Army Trial… – PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts
Some listeners (such as old time radio expert John Dunning) have argued that the radio version of Gunsmoke was far more realistic than the television program. Episodes were aimed at adults, and featured some of the most ..