The Rawlins Case (Aired January 26, 1951) Dick Powell starred in the Richard Diamond, Private Detective radio series as a rather light-hearted detective who often ended the episodes singing to his girlfriend, Helen (Virginia Gregg).
Posts under ‘Old Time Radio Drama’
Macabre – episode "The Man in the Mirror" 2/2 Old Time Radio Horror Collection
Part 1 – Old Time Radio Horror Collection features episodes of from several different radio series of the 30′s, 40′s, 50′s.
The Adventures Of Philip Marlowe – The Big Step old time radio
The Adventures of Philip Marlowe was a radio series featuring Raymond Chandlers private eye, Philip Marlowe. It first aired 17 June 1947 on NBC radio under t…
Gunsmoke "The Stage Holdup" William Conrad CBS 1/2/54 Oldtime Radio Drama Western otr Gunsmoke The Stage Holdup CBS 1/2/54 Oldtime Radio Drama Western Matt Dillon: William Conrad Kitty: Georgia Ellis Chester Proudfo…