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Posts from ‘October, 2012’

Section 244: Old-Time Radio Theme Month, Day 27: "Evening …

Old – Time Radio Theme Month, Day 27: “Evening Primrose”. John Collier wrote many sly tales with occasional diversions into the realm of fantasy, but less frequently ventured into the weird. Such a weird tale is “Evening …

KMOX Holiday Radio Show « CBS St. Louis

Similar to The Grand Ol Opry or Prairie Home Companion, KMOX Radio is the only station in the country still producing a program reminiscent of old – time radio which brings the art form of great programming and the holiday …

von Grey Kicks Off West Coast Tour With Lindsey Stirling On …

While on the road, they taped an episode of “WoodSongs Old Time Radio Hour” hosted by folksinger Michael Johnathon, which is broadcast on over 500 radio stations and American Forces Radio Network and seen on public …

The Good Ship Jane – Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod – PodOmatic

Created, produced, and directed by radio actor/director Elliott Lewis, the program was basically a historical true crime series, examining crimes, and especially murders, from the past.

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