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Posts from ‘March, 2011’

Weekend OTR: Ozzie and Harriet — Randolph's Party | First Arkansas …

Yes, it’s that time once again — the weekend is finally here (thank goodness!) and it’s time to unwind and relax with a classic old time radio episode here at.

The Halls Of Ivy – Glee Club Donation (02 – PodOmatic | Best Free …

The romantic interplay between Dr. Hall and his wife over Radio was remarkably genuine and even intimate at times during each episode . In this respect, in particular, Benita Hume was every bit the scene stealer in virtually every …

Science Fiction in Radio

The most memorable s science fiction old time radio from the 1930s was Orson Welles War of the Worlds on Mercury Theater aired on Halloween (October 30, 1938).

X Minus One's "Project Mastodon"…old time radio offering #9

However, the early 1970s brought a wave of nostalgia for old – time radio ; a new experimental episode , “The Iron Chancellor” by Robert Silverberg, was created in 1973, but it failed to revive the series.

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