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Posts from ‘October, 2010’

can someone proof read my essay?

I wrote this for my chicano cinema class, can someone please proof read it and tell me what they think? I still need to write out a conclusion, I just dont know what else to write, thank you!

Cultural environment …

question for Drake/ Deggrassi fans?

ok so do y’all ever thinks its weird to be like watching like an older episode of degrassi and then later that day turn on the radio and its a song by “drake” on but all you can think about …

Why do young people today listen to crap?

All the pop artist today are all making millions of dollars selling absolute rubbish. Why do kids buy it? When I was in my early teens etc bands like metallica and ACDC and before I was even born Led Zeppelin …

movie’s & military fire power & Voices like gunny from the history channel.would you use him?

like unto the new S:S;B song i had given the school age kids in the Education category:Star spangled Banner spelled out.imagine if you could add in the Ex Drill instuctor voices of gunny from the History Channel and the guy …

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